
A Gathering of Small Number Systems Conversions and Operations for WP7

* UPDATE: I have found many bugs and issues with this original code of this library. For an expanded (and working version) you can look at WP7NC.

I know its not too much but I gathered about 16 number-conversion operations and few logical operators in a small DLL for Windows Phone devs who might need it. The functions are:

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Shared Function Dec2BinStr(ByVal Dec As Long) As String[/crayon]

Converts a decimal number into a binary number in the form of stringĀ  (ex: 10 becomes “1010”)

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Shared Function Dec2BinAry(ByVal Dec As Long) As Integer()[/crayon]

Converts a decimal number into a binary number in the form of an array of ones and zeros.

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Shared Function BinStr2Dec(ByVal Bin As String) As Long[/crayon]

Converts a binary number in the form of a string into a decimal number.

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Shared Function BinAry2Dec(ByVal Bin() As Integer) As Long[/crayon]

Converts a binary array into a decimal number.

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Shared Function HexStr2Dec(ByVal Hex As String) As Long[/crayon]

Converts a hexadecimal number int he form of a string into a decimal number.

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Shared Function Dec2HexStr(ByVal Dec As Long) As String[/crayon]

Converts decimal number into a hexadecimal number in the form of string.

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Shared Function HexStr2BinStr(ByVal Hex As String) As String[/crayon]

Converts a hexadecimal number in the form of a string into a binary number, also in the form of string.

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Function BinStr2HexStr(ByVal Bin As String) As String[/crayon]

Converts a binary number in the form of a string into a hexadecimal number, also in the form of string.

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Function BinStrAnd(ByVal Bin1 As String, ByVal Bin2 As String) As String[/crayon]

Perform bitwise AND operation between two binary numbers in the form of a string.

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Function HexStrAnd(ByVal Hex1 As String, ByVal Hex2 As String) As String[/crayon]

Perform bitwise and between two hexadecimal numbers in the form of a string.

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Function BinStrOr(ByVal Bin1 As String, ByVal Bin2 As String) As String[/crayon]

Perform bitwise OR operation between two binary numbers in the form of a string.

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Function HexStrOr(ByVal Hex1 As String, ByVal Hex2 As String) As String[/crayon]

Perform bitwise OR operation between two hexadecimal numbers in the form of a string.

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Function BinStrXOR(ByVal Bin1 As String, ByVal Bin2 As String) As String[/crayon]

Perform bitwise XOR operation between two binary numbers in the form of a string.

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Function HexStrXOR(ByVal Hex1 As String, ByVal Hex2 As String) As String[/crayon]

Perform bitwise XOR operation between two hexadecimal numbers in the form of a string.

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Function BinStrNot(ByVal Bin As String) As String[/crayon]

Perform bitwise NOT operation to a binary number in the form of a string.

[crayon lang=”vb”]Public Function HexStrNot(ByVal Bin As String) As String[/crayon]

Perform bitwise NOT operation to a hexadecimal number in the form of a string.

* UPDATE 02-12-2012: I have found out many minor mistakes in some of the conversion function. Thus, I have removed the file and re-written the library as an open-source project. More details can be found here.

Here is the download link:

NumberSystem.DLL v1.0 (10 kbytes)


If you have a suggestion to expand this library, please write it down in the comments or tweet it to me, and I’ll try to include it.