Journal Publications
- Mohammed M. Alani, Moatsum Alawida, Behavioral Analysis of Android Riskware Families Using Clustering and Explainable Machine Learning, Big Data and Cognitive Computing (Q1|IF 3.7), MDPI. November 2024.(MDPI)
- Mohammed M. Alani, HoneyTwin: Securing Smart Cities with Machine Learning-Enabled SDN Edge and Cloud-Based Honeypots, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (Q2|IF 3.8), Elsevier. June 2024.(ScienceDirect)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Lara Mauri, Ernesto Damiani, A two-stage cyber attack detection and classification system for smart grids, Internet of Things Journal (Q1|IF 5.9), Elsevier, Dec 2023.(ScienceDirect)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Atefeh Mashatan, Ali Miri, XMal: A lightweight memory-based explainable obfuscated-malware detector, Computers & Security (Q1|IF 5.6), Elsevier, Aug 2023.(ScienceDirect)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Ali I. Awad, Ezidine Barka, ARP-PROBE: An ARP spoofing detector for Internet of Things networks using explainable deep learning, Internet of Things Journal (Q1|IF 5.9), Elsevier, June 2023.(ScienceDirect)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Ernesto Damiani, XRecon: An Explainbale IoT Reconnaissance Attack Detection System Based on Ensemble Learning , Sensors (Q2|IF 3.9), MDPI, June 2023.(MDPI)
- Mohammed M. Alani, An explainable efficient flow-based Industrial IoT intrusion detection system, Computers & Electrical Engineering (Q2|IF 4.152), Elsevier, May 2023.(ScienceDirect)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Hissam Tawfik, PhishNot: A Cloud-Based Machine-Learning Approach to Phishing URL Detection, Computer Networks (Q1|IF 5.493), Elsevier, October 2022.(ScienceDirect)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Ali Miri, Towards an Explainable Universal Feature Set for IoT Intrusion Detection, Sensors (Q2|IF 3.847), MDPI, July 2022.(Open Access)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Ali I. Awad, An Intelligent Two-Layer Intrusion Detection System for the Internet of Things, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, (Q1|IF 11.648), IEEE, July 2022.(IEEEXplore)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Ali I. Awad, PAIRED: An Explainable Lightweight Android Malware Detection System, IEEE Access (Q2|IF 3.476), IEEE, July 2022.(Open Access)
- Mohammed M. Alani, BotStop : Packet-based efficient and explainable IoT botnet detection using machine learning, Computer Communications (Q1|IF 5.047), Elsevier, June 2022.(ScienceDirect)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Ali I. Awad, AdStop:Efficient Flow-based Mobile Adware Detection using Machine Learning, Computers & Security (Q1|IF 4.438), Elsevier, April 2022.(Open Access)
- Thar Baker, Muhammad Asim, Hezekiah Samwini, Nauman Shamim, Mohammed M. Alani, Rajkumar Buyya, A blockchain-based Fog-oriented lightweight framework for smart public vehicular transportation systems, Computer Networks (Q1|IF:4.474), 2022, (Elsevier)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Big Data in Cybersecurity: A Survey of Applications and Future Trends, Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments, Vol 7, Issue 2, 2021, (Springer).(Free Access)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Muath Alrammal, Munir Naveed, Implementing IoT Lottery on Data Encryption Standard, Journal of Communication, Vol 15, No. 10, Oct 2020.(Open Access)
- Mohamed Alloghani, Mohammed M. Alani, D. Al-Jumeily, T.Baker, J. Mustafina, A. Hussain, A. Aljaaf, A systematic review on the status and progress of homomorphic encryption technologies, Journal of Information Security an Applications, Vol 48, Oct 2019 (Elsevier). (IF:3.872)
- Alsadhan, A. Hussain, P. Liatsis, Mohammed M. Alani, H. Tawfik, P. Kendrick, H. Francis, Locally weighted classifiers for detection of neighbor discovery protocol distributed denial‐of‐service and replayed attacks, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2019, (Wiley). (IF:2.638)
- Obinna Anya, Hissam Tawfik, Mohammed M. Alani, Jia Hu, Cybersecurity Design Considerations for Cross-boundary Clinical Decision Support, Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments, 2019, Vol 5, Issue 2, (Springer).
- Mohammed M. Alani, Android Users Privacy Awareness Survey, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, Vol 11, Issue 3, pp. 130-144, April 2017. DOI:
- Mohammed M. Alani, Securing the Cloud: Threats, Attacks and Mitigation Techniques, Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Technologies (JACST), Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 202-213, October 2014. DOI: 10.14419/jacst.v3i2.3588
- Mohammed M. Alani, Mathematical Approximation of Delay in Voice over IP, International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (IJCIT), ISSN: 2279-0764, Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2014. PDF.
- Siddeeq Y. Ameen, Fawzi Alnaima, Mohammed M. Alani, Implementation of AES in Voice over Internet Protocol, Gulf University Journal (ISSN:1985-9562), Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 21-31, 2010. (Link)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Testing Randomness in Ciphertext of Block-Ciphers Using DieHard Tests, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), ISSN : 1738-7906, Vol.10, No.4, April 2010. (Link)
- Ed: Mohammed M. Alani, Hissam Tawfik, Obina Anya, Mohammed Saeed, Applications of Big Data Analytics: Trends, Issues, and Challenges, Springer, London, Aug 2018 (Link).
- Mohammed M. Alani, Guide to Cisco routers Configuration, 2nd Ed., Springer, London, May 2017. (Link)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Elements of Cloud Computing Security: A Survey of Key Practicalities, Springer, London, July 2016.(Link)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Guide to OSI and TCP/IP Models, Springer-Veralg Gmbh., London, March 2014. (Link)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Guide to Cisco routers Configuration: Becoming a Router Geek, Springer-Verlag Gmbh., London, July 2012. (Link)
Book Chapters
- Mohammed M. Alani, Blockchain-Based Authentication in IoT Environments: A Survey, in the book ” Blockchain for Cybersecurity in Cyber-Physical Systems “, Springer (April 2023).
- Mohammed M. Alani, Detection of Reconnaissance Attacks on IoT Devices Using Deep Neural Networks, in the book “Advances in Nature-Inspired Cyber Security and Resilience”, Springer (April 2022).
- Santosh K. Ray, Mohammed M. Alani, Amir Ahmad, Big Data for Educational Service Management, in the book “Big Data for Service Operation Management”, Editors: Ali Emrouznejad, V. Charles, Springer (Jan 2022).
- Mohamed Alloghani, and Mohammed M. Alani, Security Challenges in Software Engineering for the Cloud: A Systematic Review, in the book “Software Engineering in the Era of Cloud Computing”, Editors: Muthu Ramachandran, Zaigham Mahmood, Springer, Jan 2020. (Springer)
- Mohammed M. Alani, and Mohamed Alloghani, Security Challenges in the Industry 4.0 Era, in the book “Industry 4.0 and Engineering for a Sustainable Future”, Ed: Mohammed Dastbaz, and Peter Cochrane, Springer-Verlag Gmbh, London, June 2019. (Springer)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Cloud Security: A Security Management Perspective, in the book “’Strategic Systems Engineering for Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics”, Springer-Verlag Gmbh., London, March 2017.(Springer)
Conference Papers
- Mohammed M. Alani, Ali Ismail Awad, Ezedin Barka, A Hybrid Ensemble Learning-Based Intrusion Detection System for the Internet of Things, Proceedings of the Proceeding of 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR’24), London, UK, Aug 2024. (IEEE)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Atefeh Mashatan, Ali Miri, Building Detection-Resistant Reconnaissance Attacks Based on Adversarial Explainability, Proceedings of the 10th ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (CPSS’24), held in conjunction with AsiaCCS’24, Singapore, Jul 2024. (ACM)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Atefeh Mashatan, Ali Miri, Explainable Ensemble-Based Detection of Cyber Attacks on Internet of Medical Things, IEEE International Symposium on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2023), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Nov 2023. (IEEE)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Atefeh Mashatan, Ali Miri, Forensic Identification of Android Trojans Using Stacked Ensemble of Deep Neural Networks, 5th ACNS Workshop on Security in Machine Learning and its Applications (SiMLA 2023), held as part of ACNS 2023: 21st International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, Kyoto, Japan, June 2023. (Springer)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Thar Baker, A Survey of Smart Grid Intrusion Detection Datasets, 2023 Workshop on Reliable Intelligent Environments (WoRIE), held as part of 19th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE2023) , Uniciti, Mauritius, June 2023. (Open Access)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Atefeh Mashatan, Ali Miri, XMeDNN: An Explainable Deep Neural Network System for Intrusion Detection in Internet of Medical Things, 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP’23), Lisbon, Portugal, Feb 2023. (Open Access)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Ernesto Damiani, Uttam Gosh, DeepIIoT: An Explainable Deep Learning Based Intrusion Detection System for Industrial IOT, 2022 IEEE 42nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW), Bologna, Italy, July 2022. (IEEE)
- Mohammed M. Alani, IoTProtect: A Machine-Learning Based IoT Intrusion Detection System, 6th International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy (CSP 2022), Tianjin, China, Jan 2022. (IEEE)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Implementation-Oriented Feature Selection in UNSW-NB15 Intrusion Detection Dataset, 21st International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA’21), Online, Dec 2021. (Springer)
- Mohammed M. Alani, On Recent Issues in Security of Machine Learning, 28th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications, and Computer Networks (SoftCOM2020), Hvar, Croatia, Sep 2020. (IEEE)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Applications of Machine Learning in Cryptography: A Survey, 3rd International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy (ICCSP 2019), Jan 2019, Malaysia. (ACM) (Pre-print)
- Mohammed M. Alani, IoT Lotto: Utilizing IoT Devices in Brute-force Attacks, Proceedings of 2018 The 6th International Conference on Information Technology: IoT and Smart City (ICIT 2018), Dec. 2018, Hong Kong. (ACM) (Pre-Print)
- Abeer Alsadhan, Abir Hussain, and Mohammed M. Alani, Detecting NDP Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Using Machine Learning Algorithm Based on Flow-based Representation, in Proceedings of Developments in eSystems Engineering 2018 (DeSE2018), Cambridge, England, UK, September 2018. (IEEE Xplore).
- Mohammed M. Alani, Measuring Ciphertext Randomness using DieHard Randomness Index, published in the American University in Emirates International Research Conference, Dubai, UAE, November 2017. (Springer)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Prioritizing Cloud Security Controls, published in Second International Conference on Advanced Wireless Information, Data, and Communication Technologies (AWICT 2017), Université Paris-Saclay, France, November, 2017. (ACM)
- Mohammed M. Alani, MANET Security: A Survey, Published in Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing, and Engineering, Penang, Malaysia, Nov. 2014 (IEEE Xplore).
- Mohammed M. Alani, Securing the Cloud against Distributed Denial of Service Attacks: A Review, Published in the 2nd International Conference of Applied Information and Communications Technologies, Muscat, Oman, April 2014.
- Mohammed M. Alani, Neuro-Cryptanalysis of DES and Triple-DES, published in proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2012), Nov. 2012, Doha, Qatar.(LNCS 7667/2012, Springer)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Neuro-cryptanalysis of DES, Proceedings of World Congress of Internet Security, IEEE Canada, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. June 2012. (IEEE Xplore)
- Mohammed M. Alani, Measuring the Effect of AES Encryption on VoWLAN QoS, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications, and Computer Networks (SoftCOM2010), Split, Croatia, September 2010. (IEEE Xplore)
- Mohammed M. Alani, DES96 – Improved DES Security, Proceedings of the Seventh International Multi-Conference on System, Signal and Devices (SSD’10), Amman, Jordan. June 2010. (IEEE Xplore)
- Siddeeq Y. Ameen, Fawzi Alnaima, and Mohammed M. Alani, Design of H.323 Secure IP-Telephony Framework, Proceedings of the 6th International Philadelphia Engineering Conference On Computational Aspects and Their Applications in Electrical Engineering, Philadelphia University, Amman, Jordan, September, 2006.
- Abdul-Karim A-R. Kadhim, Mohammed M. Alani, DES80: A DES-Variant Cryptographic System, Proceedings of the First Scientific Conference of the State Company of Internet Services, Baghdad, Oct. 22nd -23rd , 2002.
1. Mohammed M. Alani, “Development of a VoIP Security System Based on H.323 Protocol”, PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq. May, 2007. ABSTRACT.
2. Mohammed Alani, “Neuro-Genetic Approach for Cryptanalysis of Data Encryption Standard”, MSc Thesis, Computer Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Nahrain University, June, 2003.