Mohammed M. Alani
Cybersecurity, Academia, and Research
If you need to contact me, please email me on:
السلام عليكم
اطلعت على بحثك اللي يحمل عنوان
Testing Randomness in Ciphertext of Block-Ciphers Using DieHard Tests
وعندي اهتمام كبير حوله ، لاني احاول اطبق هذا الاختبار ، هل لديك فكرة عن سوفتوير بيساعدني لعمل الاختبار ؟
و عليكم السلام
بالإمكان إيجاد البرامج على الرابط:
Hello Dear Prof Mohammed,
I want to ask you if there someone help me to prepare two papers related to DDoS attacks on cloud computing like the impact the DDoS attack on cloud computing and publish it on ISI indexed journal.
Best Regards
انت شخص رائع ، من أفضل من قابلت في حياتي ، ثروة لا تقدر بثمن ، تحياتي و احترامي العميق
hello. I ask for random numbers for my university project. But I won ” t find it. Please help me and send me articles that have the formula and procedure of the algorithms. Thank you, Professor.
Assalam Aleikum
Came across your article/blog pertaining to IP Address.
Really appreciate for sharing your inputs.
To train the models using IP Address variable within the dataset, I proceeded with the following steps viz.:
a) Initiated Tokenization — Split the IP Address variable into 4 variables viz. Octet_1 upto Octet_4.
b) Thereafter converted the split values across 4 variables (Octet_1 upto Octet_4) from String to Numeric
c) Then dropped IP Address column…
However, I am stuck at another point…
While using Standard Scalar for variables across the dataset for specific variables, I wanted to know whether
the variables – Octet_1 upto Octet_4 should be left as it is or should Scaling/Standardization/Normalization/Transformation be conducted?
Asking this query—as it pertains to frauds/risks in Gaming Domain. Players using multiple Ids need to be weeded out. What is the solution?Your guidance regarding this would be Appreciated…